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Wiki page requirements

Page history last edited by Barbara A. Jansen 9 years, 3 months ago


Each group will produce a wiki page that presents its subject in a visually effective way. Pages should include basic information such as dates, materials, and descriptions; visual representations of the subject; analysis of the topic’s significance; and proper documentation for all sources consulted. Use no more than 3 images. Pick the best representations of your topic.


You must also have a Bibliography (Works Cited) at the end of your wiki page (see Research Requirements for directions). Choose one person in your group to create a new list in NoodleTools.


[Achilles slaying Penthesilea, the queen of the Amazons, Attic black-figure amphora signed by Exekias, c. 530 BC; in the British Museum, London. Courtesy of the trustees of the British Museum. Britannica Online.]

Comments (1)

Cris Salazar said

at 10:40 am on Dec 2, 2008

Thanks for the information.

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