
Research requirements and tips

Page history last edited by Barbara A. Jansen 9 years, 9 months ago


You will research your topic using a variety of sources.  The basis of your research will be the books available in our classroom and in the library.  After exhausting those resources, you may consult the library’s databases in order to find additional information.  You may use also the free Web to locate images. In all cases, you will be expected to keep careful notes and accurate bibliographical information.


Bibliography: Choose one team member's NoodleTools account to keep track of the sources the team uses. Record books, databases, and website that you use for obtaining information to include on your wiki pages. Do not include sources where you obtain only Greek art images--those will be cited on the page with the image.

[Boxer, bronze, h. 1.28 m, 2nd or early 1st century BC (Rome, Museo Nazionale Romano); photo credit: Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY. Grove Art Online.]


1. On the bottom of your wiki page, type Bibliography.

2. Click print in NoodleTools and Save the Word document to your desktop.

3. Copy and paste from the Word bibliography to the bottom of your wiki page, under the Bibliography title.


Citing Images on the page where the image is displayed:

You must describe the image (see example on this page) and give credit to the source where you found the image. Put the citation information in [brackets]. See example above and on other pages.




Books from the SAS Library (in your classroom. Please leave them in the classroom for everyone to use!):

Adams. Art across time.

Boardman, ed. The oxford history of classical art.

Cartledge, ed. Cambridge illustrated history of ancient Greece.

Higgins. Minoan and Mycenaean art.

Levi. Atlas of the Greek world.

Pischel. A world history of art.

Onians. Classical art and the cultures of Greece and Rome.

Stanford and Luce. The Quest for Ulysses.


Databases from the SAS Library Website:

Grove Art Online

ABC-CLIO World History Ancient and Medieval Eras (cite a reference source)

netTrekker (for free Websites on Greek Art--cite websites)

Encyclopedia Britannica (for high school students and up)



Comments (2)

Cris Salazar said

at 10:38 am on Dec 2, 2008

nice directions

Arri said

at 1:33 pm on Dec 8, 2008

aww... There is no room for a question the directions are just so clear!

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